Sustainable Themes

Sustainable Consumption

Sustainable Consumption

Capitalism has been built on consumption. We extract, use and waste materials taken from the earth in a linear fashion.

We know that resources are finite and that the vast majority of people are now consciously practising a more sustainable lifestyle at home, recycling, reusing and reducing their waste materials.

Corporates too have shifted towards a circular economic model, however there is still a vast amount of inefficiency in the way economies manage resources.

We often encounter clients that feel that their efforts are a drop in the ocean, our response is that the most powerful impact that they can have is through directing their capital to assets that are aligned with their sustainability preferences.

Our Sustainable Consumption theme invests across sub-themes covering Waste Management, Water Management, Smart Materials and assets that are aligned to circular economy principles.

We have conviction that economic growth can be decoupled from the use of natural resources.