Sustainable Themes

Biodiveristy Leaders

Biodiveristy Leaders

Biodiversity is as important as Climate, the two are inextricably linked, with positive feedback loops accelerating negative impacts. However, from an investment perspective Biodiversity is at least 5 years behind.

The Global Biodiversity Framework, adopted in 2022 is nature’s equivalent to the Paris Agreement and forms the basis of being able to assessing the impact of loss and damage caused by humanity.

We can now measure the impact that companies have on nature in a similar way to assessing their Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions and there are an increasing number of large multi-nationals that have committed to halting and reversing biodiversity loss.

With the investable universe expanding we are at the forefront of allocating capital to assets that clearly demonstrate that their businesses are managed in harmony with nature.

As an sustainable investment manager based in a UNESCO Biosphere we are acutely aware of how fragile and important biodiversity is and have committed to setting aside 10% of our portfolio management fees for direct conservation and restoration of habitats.